Divorce for Older Couples

Is this any different?  Mv view is simply – No!

Each divorce is unique in the issues and problems it produces.  There is no greater difficulty or complexity where the couple are in their fifties or older.

There may not be issues over child access or child maintenance.  There may be more wealth (or less debt), perhaps more disposable income available.  Retirement and pensions may be much more important.

It is still vital to get proper legal advice as soon as possible.  Ideally, before you do anything.

I may suggest a holistic approach where I work with a financial adviser.  You are investing in the rest of your life.

Common questions are

  • Where the couple will each live?
  • What income needs they each have?
  • What happens about pensions?

Unravelling things, especially after a long marriage, can be difficult, complicated, and emotionally upsetting.

This is where personal, individual legal advice is esssential.